首页 > 摄理Little Girl > 你是懒惰虫~?
已经养成懒惰习惯的人~ 过了十年还是改不了。 A person who has developed habits of laziness> can’t fix it even after ten years.
因为很懒惰,所以明明还很年轻,却像八十岁老人那样生活。 Because they are lazy, they live like an elderly 80-year old person even though they are still young.
懒惰 已经变成 习惯 、养成 体质 , 所以才会觉得呆呆不动很舒服。 Since <laziness> has become ‘a habit’ and ‘constitution’ for them, they think that being idle is comfortable.
他的 青春 已经因为懒惰而浪费掉了。。。 they let their <youth> rot away with ‘laziness.’ 。。。
---by郑明析牧师 Pastor Joshua Jung.
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